We should ALL be outraged!
Officer Hayes responded to a 911 call made by a child under the age of 13 recently. The child had called because a woman had approached him and his mother while they were unloading firewood at an elderly neighbors house and told her she was going to "beat the crap out of" her. The mother shoved the child out of harms way and told him to run, run and call the police. The child ran home several houses away and did just that.
In the mean time the mother tried to run and the attacker ran around a van to cut off her escape route. As the mother fled around the end of the van another woman jumped out and blocked her path. This second attacker was also cursing and stating she was going to beat the mother up. Now there were 2 woman attacking her. The mother turned and ran back to her friends house, straight in the door and locked it behind her. Several minutes went by and no one could be seen outside, so the mother took off to find her son and make sure he was ok. As she arrived at her driveway the first woman reappeared chasing her into her yard, her son was just coming out the front door and she screamed at him to get inside. The mother quickly followed him and they bolted the door behind them and waited for the police to arrive.
When Officer Hayes arrived he was flagged down by the first attacker and went to speak to her, and the second attacker joined him. After they chatted several minutes Officer Hayes came and got the Mother/Victims drivers license number and left. When Officer Hayes returned a few minutes later he refused to allow the victim to tell her side of what had happened. Officer Hayes put both fingers in front of the victims face, shaking them at her in a very threatening manner, telling her she was going to "shut up" and do as he told her or he was going to "arrest her and have her child taken to childrens services".
Remember now, he is speaking to the victim......Officer Hayes never spoke to the victims child, who had witnessed the threats, he never spoke to the neighbor whose home they were at when these 2 woman came, trespassing, and threatened the victim. Officer Hayes took whatever information these 2 woman had given him and decided the victim would be lying, so he refused to allow her to speak. The victim had now been victimized twice.
A copy of the police report shows that officer Hayes only obtained the name of one of the attackers and called the victim a liar because she said she had not called the police. She had not called the police, her child had called the police while she was several houses away, and across the street, hiding in a neighbors house because 2 woman were threatening to beat her up.
Now I ask you, is Officer Hayes the kind of cop you want showing up at your door when you have been threatened, harassed, and victimized?
Had Officer Hayes asked the Victim, her child or the neighbor what had happened and why he would have found out 1) that attacker #1 had been hiding around the corner of the neighbors house watching and waiting until the neighbor had stepped inside and closed her door. He also would have found out that the second attacker had been contacted just a week or so prior by an Albany Detective after nearly a dozen police reports had been filed against attacker 2 for theft, vandalism and verbal threats over the last 3 months.
You see, the Detective, was aware of attacker 2's constant harassment and stalking of the victim, there were numerous witnesses for the accusations (friends, neighbors, family, a police officer and a city employee to name a few) . BUT Officer Hayes allowed the attackers to flag him down and convince him that they had done nothing wrong.
Lets review here for a moment.The attackers trespassed on a 3rd parties property, to physically threaten and verbally assault the victim. Blocked her way from returning home and then when she did return home later one of them attacked her again. But none of that is in Officer Hayes report now is it?
The Victim has left several messages with the Albany Police department, she would like an investigation to be made, to clear her name and so she can feel protected when the police are called, but no one has returned her calls in more then a week..........
Why is the Albany Police Department refusing to investigate one of their own?
Is there someone or some organization who can help this mother get justice from the Albany Police department?
Friday, December 15, 2006
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file a complaint, I am telling you that you need a video camera, plus one set up on a motion detector in your yard
NO! Don't file with the Albany Police. This turns into too much crap. I know it's true but the police will ignore it. This woman is to young to remember the 60's? Police were called pigs...they are still pigs. Don't call them anymore we'll get our heads together to figure out a better strategy. Please keep this womans identity secret. The 2 attackers are breaking the law, not her but the police will not help and she is in danger if she speaks out against them.
I posted a blog of my own about this and have been investigating a bit and was contacted by the Editor of a local paper asking for more information. I shared all I had but I a afraid of the ramifications of anyone investigating the police department.
It took repeated contacts with the Albany Police Department, the City of Albany, Benton County Police and the State Police over a 3 day period but Albany Police Department did finally respond to the property and handle an issue with the manager. This "manager" is nuts, she just got caught (1/09/2007) by the Albany Police Department after setting up booby traps, thin wires or lines strung across the walking paths all over the property. She strung them from buildings to trees, in between trees etc. from about ankle high to neck high. She didn't warn the tenants and could have seriously injured or killed someone. Thank god it is winter and the kids are not running around or riding their bikes in these areas, as they usually do. Can you imagine a kid racing a bicycle through such a booby trap, they could have cut their heads off for Christ sake. The police ordered her to remove the booby traps or make them visible, so she has tied little red flags on them, there were so many more of these booby traps then any of us imagined, we just could not see them because the lines are so thin, invisible. They are still dangerous because they are not visible at night. This woman is dangerous and she is violating the law and the tenants rights by preventing them from using the common areas on the property. She was warned she was doing something dangerous and she admitted that was her intention!! They should have arrested her for attempted assault!
This incident is not new, The Albany Police Department is well known for failing to appropriately investigate let alone follow through on any complaints where a tenant and a possible landklord are invloved. Check out the ourstory blog.
this is status quo for APD
I have similar pending corrupt status Quo situation. These pseudo LEO are ridiculous and the phone answerers think they are J.Edgar Hoover himself! Why do Police think they are qualified to be autocrats and have the ability to Diagnose Mental illness. When I asked one to give definition of Schizophrenia, he/she/it could not say any viable response? But they think they are fully qualified to diagnose. I caught them in this act where they outright said my relative was a "Paranoid Schizophrenic" And later admitted they made a grave mistake! Now I am seeing sugar plums! And other..........Lol
I have also experienced several extremely unprofessional interactions with certain APD officers . Rude, condescending and abusive. Defiantly file a complaint and from that moment on record any future interactions with your phone. Keep a journal and document dates and times. Be sure to inform them you are doing so. If they retaliate file another complain. People really need to speak up and stand for what is right. Not doing so is what has allowed them to become so dirty and corrupt. They harass and abuse their authority.
On the same note I have had a few very pleasant experiences as well. There are a couple within APD who act very professionally. Officer Olsen is one of them. While the other officer was being a disrespectful prick officer continued to be kind, understanding and I felt did his job the way it should be done. I thanked him for that. We should also reinforce and express appreciation for the ones who are respectful and professional.
I disagree with Amie, filing a complaint only increased the harassment and APD completely ignored the law and evidence on every call I have ever nade since complaining. In 1995 I drive to APD straight from a friends home where her husband had just struck my toddler, chased me to my car threatening to kill me and started beating his wife. I waiyed three hours begore they returned to tell me the wife said nothing happened. I went to the wife and she was beat to shit and would only ooen the door a crack. APD had evidence and was required by law to file charges against the husband. Around 2007 APD refused to arrest the thieves (neighbors)I had on video stealing from my yard and carport, they said it was a Civil matter. How cam theft and trespassing not be an arrestable crime just because we live on the same block?? I gave a neighbor an air conditioner, my male friend installed it for her, two years later she got pissed about something and literally threw the AC unit into my driveway after smashing it. I had it set across the street in front of her house. She called APD, they came and told me if I did not carry it back to my house immediatly, even though I told ghrm I had kust had low back surgery, they were going to arrest me for littering, trespassing and harassment and call Child Services to take my son and would see to it that I never got him back. WHAT? I said if they were going to decide the AC unit belonged to me then I wanted her arrested for vandalism and trespassing but NOOO, they dont care about the law or right and wrong, they only care that I had filed a complaint against APD years prior. Once you file a complaint against APD you can never get justice in Albany Oregon!
I had exactly the same experience as the woman who was attacked and then treated like the perpetrator instead of the victim. My neighbor got hostile with me because I asked to get paid for cleaning her house while she was on vacation. She grabbed ahold of my arm and I used only the amount of force necessary to get her to let go of my arm and then walked away. She called the police and fabricated a completely different version of what happened. I was called by Scott McBride of the APD a couple of days later and voluntarily went down to the police station to talk with him. He treated me like I was guilty from the beginning of our conversation he had already determined my guilt before even hearing my side of the story. After telling him what really happened,my side of the story, several times, because he kept asking me the same questions over and over again to see if I would answer any diffrerently, I finally told him that I was done answering the same questions over and over again and that no matter how many different ways he asked the questions, the answers were the same, I did nothing except free myself from the grip of a women who has previously did exactly the same thing to her previous renter when he came to collect his deposit. There is in fact a police report on file which documents the incident. When I said I was done and got up to leave he took my purse and left the room with it and then came back and because he had called my son and my son said he didn't know anything about the incident, because he has been told not to talk to APD without attorney or parent present, he arrested me for assualt IV and had been trying to get me to say that I had stepped inside of the neihbors house, but because I hadn't and told him that over and over again, he finally said that he wasn't going to arrest me for robbery!!! So, my neighbor who frequently gambles and then gets mad because she loses all her money and then takes it out on you because you want to get paid, the same neighbor who's house I had a key to because my husband and I cleaned her house and yard all weekend while she was out of town, and then grabs me by the arm, is now the victim. Unbelievable..... My experience with the APD has been if you don't allow the misconduct that they so often are guilty of when they harrass you, then they turn into nothing short of a spoiled rotten brat and look for anything and if they can't find anything, then they make it up, to arrest you or threaten you. APD officers are unfortunately immature, manipulating and unprofessional, unless of course you are a spineless idiot who lets them get away with their misconduct and manipulation. They don't wear a badge to uphold justice, but rather it seems as if it is more to be able to manipulate and harrass the citizens of Albany who do not allow them to violate their rights or be manipulated into admitting to something they didn't do. AND unfortunately once you are arrested you are guilty and have to try and prove your innocence which most people cannot afford to do because of the attorney fees involved. Public Defender, you can forget about getting helped. Because of this Albany has become one of the most talked about cities of where not to live. APD Officers need to stop being allowed to get away with their misconduct and the citizens of Albany need to report every instance of misconduct so that it can be seen how serious this problem is. We need officers who are policemen because they want to see the law upheld and who really care about justice being served, not immature young men who need a badge to get the attention and power that they so desperately are in need of and couldn't get without the badge.
This is the problem is that people need to stop being afraid of doing the right thing and the right thing is to make APD behave and uphold the law and stop prosecuting people based on the "whoever calls first" rule. You have exactly proved my point. You wouldn't have to be afraid of the ramifications if we had a police force that could be trusted to do what policement are supposed to do, but we don't and never will if we continue to let them get away with it.
You can never get justice in
Albany before you file a complaint, so why not make them accountable for their misconduct!!!!
The Albany Police Department just like all other police departments are just thugs for the machine what needs to happen is people acting as a people,
we need to work together as community to help victims in times of distress, we have every right to protect are own and if we can set up a system that involves EVERYONE than we can eliminate the need for such useless services, cops are just citizens with a badge!
I am still angry about my encounter with APD in 2009. I was lured back to Albany by police, harassed and intimidated over false charges of trespassing and making posts on the internet that were not illegal. I was handcuffed and jailed for what anyone else is cited to appear, no arrest. I was questioned and threatened with federal charges if I did not admit to things I did not do. I told the police no less then five times I "refuse to answer any more questions and I want to speak to a lawyer" and yet they kept violating my rights and tried to question me over and over. They illegally searched my house, car and storage while they had me sitting in a police car behind the police department, my neighbors witnessed the second illegal search. I saw the first one from the back of the police car while I screamed that they were breaking the law by entering my house and storage. They refused me a phone call, food and water while providing all to other prisoners during my 5 1/2 hours in jail. They refused to acknowledge my arrest to my mother who frantically called the jail and police over and over. During their illegal search they illegally seized all my prescription medications and credit cards from my locked vehicle. The "lost" the bag containing all my jewelry and brand new $20 pair of sunglasses and returned my sunglasses weeks later scratched up and unusable, no jewelry or anything else was ever returned. They refused to even acknowledged they ever entered my house or vehicle or seized anything. They followed and harassed me every-time I came back to town because I filed written complaints with the Detective and Uniformed officers supervisors who ignored my complaints. They followed me to two different lawyers offices, intimidating the lawyers who refused to take my case and told me I would have to find a lawyer out of the area to take my case, that no local lawyer would. I had to send pictures and videos to family in case I disappeared again. I could not get a lawyer to take my case with the police following me everywhere. The Police and City ignored all written and verbal complaints. Charges were later dropped but it cost me time and money and none of my seized property was returned. There is no justice in Albany Oregon just a crooked system and a bunch of idiots who allowed a stalker to use them to try and hunt down his victim. I am just grateful that they finally figured it out and refused to give him my new address, but other then that, they should all burn in hell. Albany Police Department are nothing but a bunch of thugs! All this occurred because my stalker, Phil Gebhart of Albany, couldn't find me when I moved out of town so he made up some elaborate story about my being a huge drug dealer to get the Albany Police to drag me back to town. Had APD checked with Benton County Police and Courts they would have known Gebharts story was a lie and that he was a sick freak. The whole experience was criminal and Gebhart, the detective, the original uniformed officer who arrested me and the three uniformed officers who illegally searched and seized my property should have been the ones in jail! I was forced to move out of Albany after 25 years because APD is corrupt.
I would love to know WHY the Albany Oregon Police Department, and others, are allowed to abuse their authority so blatantly, why is there no protection for "we the people"? How can anyone, ever feel safe calling the police if they have to be afraid the cop might be having a bad day or they know the person being complained about?
Parts of Albany Oregon are policed by the Benton County Sheriff's office (and the Benton County Courts) and I can promise you they are just as bad as Albany Police! For example: The Victim of domestic violence reported a violation of the protective order she got against a guy. Amazingly the police called and said they had arrested the man but needed her to come to their office to sign the complaint and pick up some of her property he agreed to return to her. She waited for over and hour when the police finally told her the man decided not to return her property, so she left. As she pulled away from the sherrifs office the man ran into the street and leaped on her car hood then quickly jumped into her car and demanded she take him to his motel. They released this man from jail after less then two hours and allowed his victim to be kidnapped right in front of their office! When they arrived at his motel she pretended to go along with him and come inside but instead she locked the doors and peeled out of the driveway. She immediately called the police but they did not go to his motel until many hours later.
At court, for the man to appear on the charges of violating the restraining order, the man did not show and the judge dismissed the charges, despite the victim arguing for her safety, and having already been kidnapped TWICE by this man, the first time she and her child were both kidnapped and held in an Albany motel for more then 8 hours before the man passed out and they were able to escape! THAT is the justice and help you get from Benton County and the Albany Police Department! You might as well just buy a gun and hope you get off when you have to kill some stalker bastard!
HOLY CRAP! This is Philip Gebhart, from the comments above. Do NOT rent from this FREAK!!
Strong Heart Properties owns and manages rentals under the name of;
Strong Heart Properties
2 Apple Trees Investment, LLC
Covent Garden, LLC
Philip Gebhart - manager
Cheryl Gebhart - Manager
Over the last 8 years they have reduced their liability by opening multiple LLC companies and then closing them down and opening new ones so they do not have to pay tenants and companies that sue them for not paying their bills!
I would love to know how Albany Police Officers have no problem finding lawyers to represent them in suing APD and the city but citizens can not find a single lawyer to represent them against illegal arrests, harassment, illegal search and seizures and stalking by the APD!?
Keeping this short wantn to know others problems with lebanon police department due to all the problems lies etc ive dealt with so far
If we all said something each and every time something like this happened there would be no choice but to hold these guys who abuse their Authority accountable unfortunately many people have the same mindset as you do. I for one would rather suffer for sticking up for myself and taking a stand rather than suffer in silence. They can knock me down but best believe I'm going to get right back up and throw the next blow. - Amie Hyatt. PS : Justice is something we have to fight for, my Grandparents had to fight for, and my great grandparents had to fight for. If we don't continue the fight all their suffering will have been for nothing.
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