Friday, December 15, 2006

Officer Robert Hayes

We should ALL be outraged!
Officer Hayes responded to a 911 call made by a child under the age of 13 recently. The child had called because a woman had approached him and his mother while they were unloading firewood at an elderly neighbors house and told her she was going to "beat the crap out of" her. The mother shoved the child out of harms way and told him to run, run and call the police. The child ran home several houses away and did just that.

In the mean time the mother tried to run and the attacker ran around a van to cut off her escape route. As the mother fled around the end of the van another woman jumped out and blocked her path. This second attacker was also cursing and stating she was going to beat the mother up. Now there were 2 woman attacking her. The mother turned and ran back to her friends house, straight in the door and locked it behind her. Several minutes went by and no one could be seen outside, so the mother took off to find her son and make sure he was ok. As she arrived at her driveway the first woman reappeared chasing her into her yard, her son was just coming out the front door and she screamed at him to get inside. The mother quickly followed him and they bolted the door behind them and waited for the police to arrive.

When Officer Hayes arrived he was flagged down by the first attacker and went to speak to her, and the second attacker joined him. After they chatted several minutes Officer Hayes came and got the Mother/Victims drivers license number and left. When Officer Hayes returned a few minutes later he refused to allow the victim to tell her side of what had happened. Officer Hayes put both fingers in front of the victims face, shaking them at her in a very threatening manner, telling her she was going to "shut up" and do as he told her or he was going to "arrest her and have her child taken to childrens services".

Remember now, he is speaking to the victim......Officer Hayes never spoke to the victims child, who had witnessed the threats, he never spoke to the neighbor whose home they were at when these 2 woman came, trespassing, and threatened the victim. Officer Hayes took whatever information these 2 woman had given him and decided the victim would be lying, so he refused to allow her to speak. The victim had now been victimized twice.

A copy of the police report shows that officer Hayes only obtained the name of one of the attackers and called the victim a liar because she said she had not called the police. She had not called the police, her child had called the police while she was several houses away, and across the street, hiding in a neighbors house because 2 woman were threatening to beat her up.

Now I ask you, is Officer Hayes the kind of cop you want showing up at your door when you have been threatened, harassed, and victimized?

Had Officer Hayes asked the Victim, her child or the neighbor what had happened and why he would have found out 1) that attacker #1 had been hiding around the corner of the neighbors house watching and waiting until the neighbor had stepped inside and closed her door. He also would have found out that the second attacker had been contacted just a week or so prior by an Albany Detective after nearly a dozen police reports had been filed against attacker 2 for theft, vandalism and verbal threats over the last 3 months.

You see, the Detective, was aware of attacker 2's constant harassment and stalking of the victim, there were numerous witnesses for the accusations (friends, neighbors, family, a police officer and a city employee to name a few) . BUT Officer Hayes allowed the attackers to flag him down and convince him that they had done nothing wrong.

Lets review here for a moment.The attackers trespassed on a 3rd parties property, to physically threaten and verbally assault the victim. Blocked her way from returning home and then when she did return home later one of them attacked her again. But none of that is in Officer Hayes report now is it?

The Victim has left several messages with the Albany Police department, she would like an investigation to be made, to clear her name and so she can feel protected when the police are called, but no one has returned her calls in more then a week..........
Why is the Albany Police Department refusing to investigate one of their own?
Is there someone or some organization who can help this mother get justice from the Albany Police department?